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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning – What You Should Look For?

What are the effects of CO gas engineer?

When gas appliances become unsafe, they can produce a gas known as carbon monoxide (CO). Your local gas engineer can check your gas appliance to ensure they are safe. CO highly a poisonous gas should be taken seriously because it can lead to death.

Carbon monoxide is produced when gas and Liquid Petroleum Gas is not completely burned. This occurs when a gas appliance is poorly fitted, incorrect boiler repairs or gas fire repairs are carried out or when a system is not maintained correctly by gas engineers.

When the gas is inhaled it takes the place of oxygen in the body and without oxygen, the muscles and cells begin to die. When this occurs, there are six symptoms to keep an eye out for:

  1. Dizziness
  2. Headaches
  3. Nausea
  4. Loss of consciousness
  5. Breathlessness
  6. Collapse

What are the symptoms?

Spotting these symptoms could be the difference between life and death but it is also important to remember that the symptoms can be very similar to those seen in food poisoning, flu and even general tiredness.

There are other signs to look out for such as the symptoms occurring when you are at home or if others are experiencing the same symptoms.

If you believe that you are being poisoned by CO then you need to get fresh air as quickly as possible. Firstly, turn off gas appliances, open all windows and vacate the property. You should then see your GP immediately or even head to hospital so that they can run blood tests or a breath test. You should then get in touch with a Gas Safe registered gas engineer so that your appliances can be checked.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning – What You Should Look For?


CO Leak- The Warning Signs

Other than the symptoms you may experience if you inhale CO. It is wise to understand the signs of a leak so that you can pre-empt any potential problems. The first is a flame on your hob that is a yellow or orange colour instead of blue. There will also be a dark staining on appliances as well as condensation on the inside of windows and a pilot light that may blow out.

Therefore, it is extremely important to use a reputable heating company to carry out a boiler installation or boiler servicing. You can then ensure that the correct work is carried out and to a safe standard.

Call Heat firm Ltd your Local gas engineer

At this time of year, when heating systems are on almost all day every day and our use increases. As a result this makes it even more important to ensure that your property is safe. Whether you are a homeowner or a landlord. The safety of all of those living in the property should be of the highest priority.

Carbon Monoxide is a silent killer. It has no taste and no smell and that is exactly why it is vital that you should understand the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. However, the first step to take is to install a carbon monoxide alarm. Therefore this will alert you the moment that carbon monoxide is detected in the air.


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