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Gas safe certificate

Gas Safe Certificate

A gas safe certificate is legally required if you are a landlord who rents out one or more properties. Any annual safety checks need to be carried out by a qualified engineer who is registered, with the results being recorded on a gas safe certificate. Copies of the gas safe certificate are given to both the landlord and the tenant.

The information included on a gas safe certificate includes, but is not restricted to, the following:

  • The name and registration number of the engineer, as well as their signature.
  • The date the inspection took place.
  • Any defects that have been located, and whether immediate action is required.
  • The address where the boiler is situated.
  • A description of each flue and appliance checked.

Other factors may be included, depending on the type of property. For examples, pipe works also have to be in order, so this too could be part of the gas safe certificate.

Of course, you could own your own property, and you just want to ensure that your boiler is fully operational. An engineer can carry out the same checks that would be recorded on a gas safe certificate for your peace-of-mind.

If you’re currently looking for a reliable and professional company that can carry out a series of checks in relation to a gas safe certificate, then why not contact HeatFirm today to discuss your requirements in more detail.