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Vokera Verve Boiler service

 Boiler service

Try our MULTIFEED_START_6_Gas ServiceMULTIFEED_END_6_ and see the difference.

You’re here because you have a gas boiler, may be even the make and model we’ve just mentioned. Well here’s the thing; gas boilers can be immediately dangerous, At Risk or Not up to current standards. If you don’t have your boiler check every year by a gas safe registered gas engineer, how would you know what category your boiler may full into? From as little as 27 pence per day we at Heat firm can check this for you and make sure your safe; gas safe, sign up to our bronze cover to day and make sure your family are protected from carbon monoxide, and gas explosions.   You can pay weekly, monthly or annually it’s very affordable, with the minimum cover at least you can keep your family safe.

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