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Heating Care

As a home owner or Landlord you should know the importance of looking after your heating system. An important question keeps popping up every time I’m out to services a boiler, and that is; How can I keep my radiators and heating pipes clean, with out an expensive powerflush?

New features include a SpiroTube with magnetic field booster technology and a patent pending, removable external magnet, plus much, much more.

At heat form we can supply and fit a Spirotech magna clean for as little as £220.

These units are recommend by British Gas and are a proven technology, see for your self watch my video. You can find us here at, also check out our latest posts on our home page heat firm.

Service Type
Sludge remover
Provider Name
Heat firm Ltd ,
Dulwich London
Spirotech magna booster, removes sludge formed by your radiators, with a quick and easy flush a must have to protect your heating system.
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